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The latest updates to

Submit your programming questions right over here. Each week I will pick a few to respond to and will give you a shout out in the answer.

New dark mode has been added to the site! I do alot of my programming at night, and having a giant white screen blast you in the face is an annoyance that I could do without.

To enable it on your browsers, open the menu on the right side and you will find the link under the "Helpful Resources" section.

Also check out my article on best practices when implementing your own dark mode right over here.


A new section of the blog has been added to test out your touch typing skills.

There are 5 tests in total increasing in difficulty. They are completely FREE to use.

You can head on over here to check it out.


Going forward all new upadtes to the blog will be listed here.

This blog gets alot of updates throughout the months and previously the only way that visitors found out was by stumbling into them.

No mas. Check often for updates and I will do my best to keep everyone up to date.