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5 Mistakes People Make When Creating A Website

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A website is a vital weapon in every business’ arsenal. It can be the best source of advertising and web-driven revenue you can have. Websites can be so successful that there are many businesses out there who operate purely through their websites. Yet, when it comes to creating one, there are a number of mistakes that are repeatedly made that can really hinder you, and not allow your business to grow to its full potential.

1. Security

This one is pretty straightforward, yet is left out quite often. You buy security packages for your computer, apply pop-up blocks to your browser, yet you don’t apply anything to your website? It doesn’t make sense. If you are exchanging any details through your websites, such as emails, addresses, and bank details, you need to make sure that your security is the best it can be. And your customers will thank you for it.

2. Design

The design of your website goes further than picking the right colors and the perfect font. It’s about the accessibility of the pages, the ease of navigation and the right amount of content per page. Using web-building and divi specialists, you can guarantee that the design will be perfect. You also need to integrate aspects of your marketing campaign into the layout - like social media tags, blogs, and options to follow you. These are the norm on websites, and all help to drive business towards your website.

3. Content

Just like the design, content is so much more than just words on a page. It needs to be the right thing and written in the right way. Just because you know what a carburetor doesn’t mean the readers of your site will. You shouldn’t patronize, but you also should never alienate a group of people purely because they don’t know the in-depth lingo - it’s probably the reason why they are looking for your services anyway. Content writers are geared towards making your site user-friendly, readable and intriguing. They also know how to use SEO with the body of your site content to further your marketing campaign.

4. DIY

A lot of new businesses opt to DIY their websites, and there are many successful sites out there built in such a way, and some great DIY web-building sites, it can also be something that isn’t done right at all. Most people who create their own site have never done so before, and don’t realize how much time it actually takes to make one that looks completely professional and functions in the way they want. Writing your own content can also be an issue - when you’re so close to the business it’s hard to see through all the jargon and write something suitable for all types of people visiting your site. It might just be better for you, in the long run, to invest in a professional.


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