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Introductions, GDPR, StackOverflow vs Experts Exchange

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Introductions, GDPR, StackOverflow vs Experts Exchange

Welcome to episode 1 of Coder's Block. A podcast with 2 programmers and too much time on their hands. In this first episode, we introduce our podcast and ourselves and discuss our love of that which is code. We dive into the current dilemma which is GDPR and relive the glory days of Experts Exchange, for those that can recall that far back.


For those that are new to GDPR, we dive into what exactly it is, and to how it will effect you if you are a web developer.

StackOverflow vs Experts Exchange

StackOverflow is synonymous with getting code done these days. But in the past, Experts Exchange was the go to place, if you were willing to shell out the bucks for it.


We dive a bit into our blogging schedules and the nature of blogging in this day and age.

Walter Guevara is a software engineer, startup founder and currently teaches programming for a coding bootcamp. He is currently building things that don't yet exist.


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