
Developer News and Articles

What To Expect From A HIPAA Risk Assessment
Published on: 6/21/2022 - 3 min read
What To Expect From A HIPAA Risk Assessment
Generally speaking, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, also known as HIPAA, mandates healthcare entities to ca...
How To Become A Product Manager
Published on: 6/21/2022 - 3 min read
How To Become A Product Manager
Gaining a product manager role can be extremely rewarding in many different ways, but how can you go about starting a career as a product ma...
This is why you will get fired as a software engineer
I will start out by saying that these stories don't apply to me personally. In my 15+ years as a software engineer, I've been fortunate enou...
Is cloning websites a good developer practice?
Cloning the design of popular million-user and million dollar websites, like Instagram, Twitter and AirBnb has become a popular trend amongs...
12 Ways To Make Sure Your Online Business Stays Safe
Published on: 6/14/2022 - 3 min read
12 Ways To Make Sure Your Online Business Stays Safe
When it comes to securing your online business, you can take several steps to help protect yourself and your customers. Here Are A Few Tips...
Goodbye Atom, hello VS Code
Published on: 6/13/2022 - 3 min read
Goodbye Atom, hello VS Code
If you are a hardcore Atom fan and would never think to use something like VS Code, then I have some bad news. GitHub officially announced t...
How do I feel about React after 4 years?
Published on: 6/9/2022 - 5 min read
How do I feel about React after 4 years?
For the past 4 years I've been heavily involved with using ReactJS on a daily basis. As a coding instructor for a very popular coding bootca...
My worst coding mistakes on the job?
Published on: 6/7/2022 - 4 min read
My worst coding mistakes on the job?
In my 15+ years as a professional software developer, I've made more than a few mistakes. Particularly in my early days, though not solely. ...
5 ways to prepare for your next React job interview
React has very quickly become one of the most popular JavaScript frameworks during the past several years used by small firms and giant firm...
4 tips to handle 404 images on your websites
Missing images on a website are one of the most common issues that web developers face. Particularly if you don't really have a well thought...
Why do you need to set an alt attribute on an image tag?
You might have seen it promoted as a 'best practice' often times on the internet. But setting the alt property on an <img tag should pret...
Internet In The Office Running Slow? Here are 4 Possible Fixes
When working in a busy office, it can be hard to see strong signals from your internet, but a slow internet speed can slow down everyone......
7 Ways To Improve Your Company’s IT Infrastructure
Information technology (IT) will always be an essential aspect of many businesses and industries going forward. So, organizations must stay ...
How Technology Is Making It Easier To Manage A Team In Business
Technology has come a long way in the past few years, and it is making it easier than ever for businesses to manage their teams. There are n...
A Beginner's Guide To Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Software
A streamlined process is perhaps one of the most effective approaches to growing a successful business. It helps one to utilize fewer resour...
Why Your Business Needs A Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS)
Technology has made our lives simpler, quicker, and more exciting. Consider the computerized maintenance management system (CMMS). This soft...
How To Hire PHP Coders: An Updated 2022 Manual
PHP is used virtually everywhere online. In fact, 77.5% of all websites in the world are built using PHP. It’s probably the most popular pro...
Why Onboarding Is So Essential
Published on: 4/26/2022 - 3 min read
Why Onboarding Is So Essential
When an employee is in the first few days of their job, it is now that onboarding can make a massive difference to their success in your com...
The Importance of Cybersecurity in Businesses
When you’re running your own business, one of the key ways to increase profits is establishing an online presence for your organization....
How to Streamline Your Business in 2022: Tips for the Future
The business world is constantly evolving, and to stay ahead of the curve, you need to be willing to adapt to the times. This blog post will...