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Handle the Startup Workload Like a Boss

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The world of startups is incredibly attractive to many people these days. After all, who doesn’t want to be their own boss, live by their own rules and make a fortune doing something you believe in? The trouble is, way more startups fail than succeed, and one of the primary reasons is because there is a lot - and I mean A LOT - of work to do before you even smell stability, let alone success. The simple fact is that not everyone can hack it - but there are a few strategies to give you the best possible chance of success. Here are a few ideas on how to handle the startup workload like a boss.

Build an adaptable team

As a startup owner, when you hire a software engineer, you don’t need ‘just’ a software engineer. Every member of that team needs to be able to work across different fields - and be willing to cross-pollinate when asked. As you progress as a business, you can start to refine roles and start making more targeted hires, but in those early days, you need adaptability and flexibility.

Embrace failure

All startups should fail at some point. In fact, until you experience a major problem, you should be very, very worried. The simple truth is that without failure, you won’t experiment with solutions, expand your ideas beyond what they originally are, and the chances are that you will fail. Embrace failure, don’t run from it - it’s all a learning experience.

Outsource your tech

Whether you are a technology company or not, it’s important to outsource some of your IT to a company that offers 24/7 support. This way, you can focus more on spending time doing what’s really important to your business than fixing, updating or trying to solve problems with your IT system. According to Total Tech Team, outsourcing your IT can give you peace of mind, simplify your processes, and provide on-the-spot solutions to your problems. All of this leaves you with more time and space to get your business off the ground.

Be diligent

Starting a business can be tough for many different reasons, not least because your team is small and there is never enough hours in the day. However, be wary. There will be times when deadlines approach and it feels like everyone has to have all hands at the pump. As the leader, you have to be able to take a step back and perform some quality control on your product or service at regular intervals.

Take - and give - breaks

Finally, it’s important to be able to step to one side every now and again. Sure, startups require a lot of hard work and constant attention, but the reality is that unless you can have a break you will be unproductive, make mistakes, and lack clarity of what is actually going on. Also, allow your employees the same ability to take a break once in a while. You’ll find you get much more inspirational and creative solutions from them as a result.


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