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It's Just A Junk Folder, But Is It Imprisoning Your Important Emails?

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We’re all agreed technology is a beautiful thing, right? Not only does it help us do our jobs, but it also acts on techno-level intuition to make our lives easier. Take, for instance, what happens when we get a load of emails. Our computers sort the wheat from the chaff by automatically sending some to junk.

In the business world, this intuitive action is a fantastic way to simplify your workflow. None of us likes to spend hours trawling through trash emails. But, as amazing as technology can be, it isn’t without its flaws. As such, there may come a time when an email you NEED to see gets sent to junk. You either don't notice it, or you spot it months later at the bottom of a long list of rubbish. By then, it’s too late, and you can kiss goodbye to that substantial sponsorship deal. Or, you can guarantee that customer will have already gone elsewhere.

It’s a devastating and frustrating experience. But, if this has happened to you, take heart. Instead of dwelling on that lost deal, consider how you can stop the same happening again with the following pointers.

It's Just A Junk Folder, But Is It Imprisoning Your Important Emails?

Check your junk folder

It seems counterproductive to check your junk folder. Doesn’t your computer act on your behalf so you don’t have to do that? But, you know more than most that computers get things wrong. As such, checking your folder is essential That’s not to say you need to trawl through every spam message. As well as putting your tech at risk of viruses, that would take far too long. But, a quick flick through once a week is enough to ensure you spot anything which shouldn’t be there. Once you’re in the habit, you’ll be able to spot anything significant straight off the bat. And, just like that, you can ensure you don’t ever miss the good stuff.

Put an IT management team in place

Of course, the above step is only possible when your business is relatively small. As your company grows, you won’t have time to scroll through the amount of trash mail you’ll start to get. As such, you may want to look into putting an IT management team in place. Whether you hire someone in-house or outsource the services of a company like eSudo Technologies, this will ensure an added level of spam filtering. And, having a human hand here makes it less likely anything important will find its way into the wrong folder.

Add a list of trusted senders

This step can’t help you protect emails from senders you don’t know. But, if one email from a company lands in your trash, the same may well happen in the future. To ensure that isn’t the case, take time to develop a safe senders list. This option is available from any email provider, and is often as simple as left clicking on the email. Just like that, you can rest easy that you’ll never miss an email from that sender again.


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