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Five Intelligent Ways To Get A Better Job

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No one goes into the working world without rose tinted glasses. Blame college; it makes you think that you’re going to jump straight into the right job with the right salary and an amazing boss who will help you to the top of the ladder. If only it was that easy. At some point in the future, you will look around yourself and decide whether the job that you are in is right for you, and when you decide that is sucks you’ll be straight into whether you can find another job as quickly.

Putting together a great application often depends on the field that you are working in. Agriculture careers often require you to know someone in the industry, in the same way that programming requires you to have intricate software knowledge. You’ll need to maximize your experience and education no matter which career you are going for, as your job application is going to tell the employer exactly who you are. So, when you need some help with getting a better job, you need to do your research, and what better way to start than by checking out the five tips below:

Five Intelligent Ways To Get A Better Job
  1. Compelling Resume. The key to getting a new job is a great resume. It’s not unheard of for employers to discard an applicant simply because their resume is messy and not exciting enough to read. Being a little creative with infographics about you can be an eye-catcher. If you are going for a job in programming, perhaps an online resume with a QR code for the employer to scan to see all about you. I cannot stress the importance of grammar as well as the importance of making sure that you don’t repeat yourself too much!
  2. Unconventional Job Sites. Not every single job out there is found on the common job websites. You need to dig a little deeper, especially if the job you are looking for is in a niche speciality. Also, going to the popular jobs websites like Monster or Craigslist will mean you are one of a hundred people per job applying that way.
  3. Go Directly. When you are looking for work, try and contact the companies that you admire the most. Going directly to the company and sending in an application can often get you a more direct and much preferred response than joining the pool of applicants on the regular websites.
  4. Talk The Talk. You may be a graduate fresh out of the dorms, but that doesn’t mean your experience as an intern or within your degree isn’t relevant. You need to show the world that even the most basic experience will make a difference to the working world. You need to be relevant. So, make it happen.
  5. Leave Happily. Once you’ve nailed down your dream job, put in your notice for your old one but do it calmly and happily. You cannot leave a job with bridges burnt; you’ll need references and maybe one day you’d like to go back in a higher context.

Finding work isn’t easy but it’s not impossible if you know how to do it right.


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