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Key Skills In The Digital Space

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As more and more people are starting to work in the digital space, the way that jobs work is beginning to change. Gone are the days when the only skills you’d need for a job were English and maths, and the age of the skill has come in true force. Nowadays, more jobs than ever expect you to have some computing skills. So, to help you out, this post will be exploring some of the best skills you can have in the world of business, along with the tools you can use to help you to achieve it.

Blog Writing: Content writing has quickly become one of the most lucrative markets on the web. With so few companies feeling confident to do this themselves, the floodgates have opened for those with enough skills to create a readable piece. This sort of skill is important in modern roles simply because so many companies have their own blogs. It’s unlikely that they will hire a new employee to handle this work, using someone on the inside with the skills to do it.

SEO: Along with blog and content writing, almost every company out there also has to deal with search engine optimization. Being able to conduct keyword research for search engines is a great way to improve your chances of getting a role, even if it isn’t related to computing or marketing. Along with keywords, you’ll also want to get to grips with the other areas of SEO, but there are loads of sites on the web to help you with this.

Design: Most people aren’t able to create something beautiful with a computer, struggling to complete basic tasks let alone use complex software like Illustrator. In reality, though, these skills don’t have to take a long time to learn. Instead, you just need to look in the right places. Websites like Lynda are great for those looking to get some skills in this area, playing host to thousands of great guides which can teach you loads. Along with this, though, using sites like Instagram and Pinterest will give you loads of inspiration.

Communication: Finally, as the last area to consider, communication is key in the modern workplace. Nowadays, though, this doesn’t just mean being able to talk to people confidently, and you need to be able to use loads of different methods if you want to be successful. Text-based options are becoming more and more popular, with instant messaging services like Skype and Hangouts dominating the scene. Along with these, you may also need to brush up on your email and telephone skills, as these are still very popular, too.

Hopefully, this post will inspire you to start working harder on the time you put into your digital skills. As time goes on, skills like these are only going to become more important, and those without them will find it harder and harder to get the roles they want. Thankfully, computing is a subject most people can teach themselves, and you already have all of the resources available to help you.


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