
Android Development Beginners Guide
A while back I decided to make an Android app, and take the world by storm and make millions and be carried off by the townspeople. And I d
Beginning Android Development Part 7 - File Saving
File Saving In the previous post we learned how to save data to the SharedPreferences files in Android, which is great for small bits of da
Beginning Android Development Part 6 - Saving Data
It's hard nowadays to find a website or Windows application that doesn't make use of a database in some way. Android apps are no exception.
Beginning Android Development Part 5 (Fragments)
User Controls, Modules, Fragments, call them what you will but they all do the same job. Reusable snippets of code with their own state and
Beginning Android Development Part 4 (Life Cycle)
Every Android app goes through a series of steps in order to get where it's going in a user friendly fashion. Normally, you get a splash
Beginning Android Development Part 3 (Action Bar)
The action bar that is. A very important part of almost any Android application, the Action Bar lives at the top of most applications and
Beginning Android Development Part 2 - Controls
So Day 2 of Android development is about to commence. I went through the SDK installation and AVD creation in the previous post, and this t
Beginning Android Development Part 1 (SDK, ADT and AVD)
I've recently decided to begin my adventures in Android development after years and years of doodling down ideas that I thought would make